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"Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their growth"

John Whitmore

This is an opportunity for you to be guided towards achieving your goals

We'll start with a free, 30 minute online consultation to get a feel for each other and answer any questions you might have. If we agree to continue, at least 6 sessions is recommended to start. There's no pressure from me, I want you to feel comfortable and enthusiastic for the work so please feel free to take your time before making a decision.

In the first full session we will establish your goals and what you want to work on in our time together. It is here we discover what is truly important to you and how you'd like your future to look- it's an exciting session! 

Following that,  we start getting to work on your goals. We'll begin setting realistic actions, taking strides forwards, making the big steps (and the little ones!) and I'll be there to support you and hold you accountable along the way. 

Coaching is a beautiful way to connect with your inner wisdom and self belief. This work can also be complimented with Shamanic journeying for an even deeper experience. 


What we'll do:

Initial online consultation (30mins)


Pay per session (60mins)


Upfront (6hours)


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